Commendable Comments (Part 7)

Blogging has made the digital version of my world much smaller and allowed my writing to reach a much larger audience than would otherwise be possible.  Although I am truly grateful to all of my readers, I am most grateful to my commenting readers. 

Since its inception over a year ago, this has been an ongoing series for expressing my gratitude to my readers for their truly commendable comments, which greatly improve the quality of my blog posts.


Commendable Comments

On Do you enjoy writing?, Corinna Martinez commented:

“To be literate, a person of letters, means one must occasionally write letters by hand.

The connection between brain and hand cannot be overlooked as a key component to learning.  It is by the very fact that it is labor intensive and requires thought that we are able to learn concepts and care thought into action.

One key feels the same as another and if the keyboard is changed then even the positioning of fingers while typing will have no significance.  My bread and butter is computers but all in the name of communications, understanding and resolution of problems plaguing people/organizations.

And yet, I will never be too far into a computer to neglect to write a note or letter to a loved one.  While I don’t journal, and some say that writing a blog is like journaling online, I love mixing and matching even searching for the perfect word or turn of phrase.

Although a certain number of simians may recreate something legible on machines, Shakespeare or literature of the level to inspire and move it will not be.

The pen is mightier than the sword—from as earthshaking as the downfall of nations to as simple as my having gotten jobs after handwriting simple thank you notes.

Unfortunately, it may go the way of the sword and be kept in glass cases instead of employed in its noblest and most dangerous task—wielded by masters of mind and purpose.”

On The Prince of Data Governance, Jarrett Goldfedder commented:

“Politics and self-interest are rarely addressed factors in principles of data governance, yet are such a strong component during some high-profile implementations, that data governance truly does need to be treated as an art rather than a science.

Data teams should have principles and policies to follow, but these can be easily overshadowed by decisions made from a few executives promoting their own agendas.  Somehow, built into the existing theories of data governance, we should consider how to handle these political influences using some measure of accountability that all team members—stakeholders included—need to have.”

On Jack Bauer and Enforcing Data Governance Policies, Jill Wanless commented:

“Data Governance enforcement is a combination of straightforward and logical activities that when implemented correctly will help you achieve compliance, and ensure the success of your program.  I would emphasize that they ALL (Documentation, Communication, Metrics, Remediation, Refinement) need to be part of your overall program, as doing one or a few without the others will lead to increased risk of failure.

My favorite?  Tough to choose.  The metrics are key, as are the documentation, remediation and refinement.  But to me they all depend upon good communications.  If you don’t communicate your policies, metrics, risks, issues, challenges, work underway, etc., you will fail!  I have seen instances where policies have been established, yet they weren’t followed for the simple fact that people were unaware they existed.”

On Is your data complete and accurate, but useless to your business?, Dylan Jones commented:

“This sparks an episode I had a few years ago with an engineering services company in the UK.

I ran a management workshop showing a lot of the issues we had uncovered.  As we were walking through a dashboard of all the findings one of the directors shouted out that the 20% completeness stats for a piece of engineering installation data was wrong, she had received no reports of missing data.

I drilled into the raw data and sure enough we found that 80% of the data was incomplete.

She was furious and demanded that site visits be carried out and engineers should be incentivized (i.e., punished!) in order to maintain this information.

What was interesting is that the data went back many years so I posed the question:

‘Has your decision-making ability been impeded by this lack of information?’

What followed was a lengthy debate, but the outcome was NO, it had little effect on operations or strategic decision making.

The company could have invested considerable amounts of time and money in maintaining this information but the benefits would have been marginal.

One of the most important dimensions to add to any data quality assessment is USEFULNESS, I use that as a weight to reduce the impact of other dimensions.  To extend your debate further, data may be hopelessly inaccurate and incomplete, but if it’s of no use, then let’s take it out of the equation.”

On Is your data complete and accurate, but useless to your business?, Gordon Hamilton commented:

“Data Quality dimensions that track a data set’s significance to the Business such as Relevance or Impact could help keep the care and feeding efforts for each data set in ratio to their importance to the Business.

I think you are suggesting that the Business’s strategic/tactical objectives should be used to self-assess and even prune data quality management efforts, in order to keep them aligned with the Business rather than letting them have an independent life of their own.

I wonder if all business activities could use a self-assessment metric built in to their processing so that they can realign to reality.  In the low levels of biology this is sometimes referred to as a ‘suicide gene’ that lets a cell decide when it is no longer needed.  Suicide is such a strong term though, maybe it could be called an: annual review to realign efforts to organizational goals gene.”

On Is your data complete and accurate, but useless to your business?, Winston Chen commented:

“A particularly nasty problem in data management is that data created for one purpose gets used for another.  Often, the people who use the data don't have a choice.  It’s the only data available!

And when the same piece of data is used for multiple purposes, it gets even tougher.  As you said, completeness and accuracy has a context: the same piece of data could be good for one purpose and useless for another.

A major goal of data governance is to define and enforce policies that aligns how data is created with how data is used.  And if conflicts arise—they surely will—there’s a mechanism for resolving them.”

On Data Quality and the Cupertino Effect, Marty Moseley commented:

“I usually separate those out by saying that validity is a binary measurement of whether or not a value is correct or incorrect within a certain context, whereas accuracy is a measurement of the valid value’s ‘correctness’ within the context of the other data surrounding it and/or the processes operating upon it.

So, validity answers the question: ‘Is ZW a valid country code?’ and the answer would (currently) be ‘Yes, on the African continent, or perhaps on planet Earth.’

Accuracy answers the question: ‘Is it 2.5 degrees Celsius today in Redding, California?’

To which the answer would measure several things: is 2.5 degrees Celsius a valid temperature for Redding, CA? (yes it is), is it probable this time of year? (no, it has never been nearly that cold on this date), and are there any weather anomalies noted that might recommend that 2.5C is valid for Redding today? (no, there are not). So even though 2.5C is a valid air temperature, Redding, CA is a valid city and state combination, and 2.5C is valid for Redding in some parts of the year, that temperature has never been seen in Redding on July 15th and therefore it is probably not accurate.

Another ‘accuracy’ use case is one I’ve run into before: Is it accurate that Customer A purchased $15,049.00 in <product> on order 123 on <this date>?

To answer this, you may look at the average order size for this product (in quantity and overall price), the average order sizes from Customer A (in quantity ordered and monetary value), any promotions that offer such pricing deals, etc.

Given that the normal credit card charges for this customer are in the $50.00 to $150.00 range, and that the products ordered are on average $10.00 to $30.00, and that even the best customers normally do not order more than $200, and that there has never been a single order from this type of customer for this amount, then it is highly unlikely that a purchase of this size is accurate.”

On Do you believe in Magic (Quadrants)?, Len Dubois commented:

“I believe Magic Quadrants (MQ) are a tool that clients of Gartner, and any one else that can get their hands on them, use as one data point in their decision making process.

Analytic reports, like any other data point, are as useful or dangerous as the user wants/needs it to be.  From a buyer’s perspective, a MQ can be used for lots of things:

1. To validate a market
2. To identify vendors in the marketplace
3. To identify minimum qualifications in terms of features and functionality
4. To identify trends
5. To determine a company’s viability
6. To justify one’s choice of a vendor
7. To justify value of a purchase
8. Worse case scenario: defends one choice of a failed selection
9. To demonstrate business value of a technology

I also believe they use the analysts, Ted and Andy in this instance, as a sounding board to validate what they believe or learned from other data points, i.e. references, white papers, demos, friends, colleagues, etc.

In the final analysis though, I know that clients usually make their selection based on many things, the MQ included.  One of the most important decision points is the relationship they have with a vendor or the one they believe they are going to be able to develop with a new vendor—and no MQ is going to tell you that.”

Thank You

Thank you all for your comments.  Your feedback is greatly appreciated—and truly is the best part of my blogging experience.

This entry in the series highlighted commendable comments on OCDQ Blog posts published in May, June, and July of 2010. 

Since there have been so many commendable comments, please don’t be offended if one of your comments wasn’t featured.

Please keep on commenting and stay tuned for future entries in the series.


Related Posts

Commendable Comments (Part 6)

Commendable Comments (Part 5)

Commendable Comments (Part 4)

Commendable Comments (Part 3)

Commendable Comments (Part 2)

Commendable Comments (Part 1)

#FollowFriday and The Three Tweets

Today is Friday, which for Twitter users like me, can mean only one thing . . .

It is FollowFriday—the day when Twitter users recommend other users that you should follow.  In other words, it’s the Twitter version of peer pressure: “I recommended you, why didn't you recommend me?”

So why does anyone follow anyone on Twitter?  There are many theories, mine is called . . .


The Three Tweets

From my perspective, there are only three kinds of tweets:

  1. Informative Tweets — Providing some form of information, or a link to it, these tweets deliver the practical knowledge or thought-provoking theories, allowing you to almost convince your boss that Twitter is a required work activity.
  2. Entertaining Tweets — Providing some form of entertainment, or a link to it, these tweets are often the funny respites thankfully disrupting the otherwise serious (or mind-numbingly boring) routine of your typical business day.
  3. Infotaining Tweets — Providing a combination of information and entertainment, or a link to it, these tweets make you think a little, laugh a little, and go on and sway (just a little) along with the music that often only you can hear.

Let’s take a look at a few examples of each one of The Three Tweets.


Informative Tweets


Entertaining Tweets


Infotaining Tweets


#FollowFriday Recommendations

By no means a comprehensive list, and listed in no particular order whatsoever, here are some great tweeps, and especially for mostly informative tweets about Data Quality, Data Governance, Master Data Management, and Business Intelligence:


PLEASE NOTE: No offense is intended to any of my tweeps not listed above.  However, if you feel that I have made a glaring omission of an obviously Twitterific Tweep, then please feel free to post a comment below and add them to the list.  Thanks!

I hope that everyone has a great FollowFriday and an even greater weekend.  See you all around the Twittersphere.


Related Posts

Dilbert, Data Quality, Rabbits, and #FollowFriday

Twitter, Meaningful Conversations, and #FollowFriday

The Fellowship of #FollowFriday

Video: Twitter #FollowFriday – January 15, 2010

Social Karma (Part 7)

If you tweet away, I will follow

Video: Twitter Search Tutorial

OCDQ Blog Bicentennial

Welcome to the Obsessive-Compulsive Data Quality (OCDQ) Blog Bicentennial Celebration!

Well, okay, technically a bicentennial is the 200th anniversary of something, and I haven’t been blogging for two hundred years. 

On March 13, 2009, I officially launched this blog.  Earlier this year, I published my 100th blog post.  Thanks to my prolific pace, facilitated by a copious amount of free time due to a rather slow consulting year, this is officially the 200th OCDQ Blog post!

So I decided to rummage through my statistics and archives, and assemble a retrospective of how this all came to pass.  Enjoy!


OCDQ Blog Numerology

The following table breaks down the OCDQ Blog statistics by month (clicking on the month link will take you to its blog archive), with subtotals by year, and overall totals for number of blog posts, unique visitors, and page views.  The most popular blog post for each month was determined using a pseudo-scientific quasi-statistical combination of page views, comments, and re-tweets.



Unique Visitors

Page Views

Most Popular Blog Post

MAR 2009 5 623 3,347 You're So Vain, You Probably Think Data Quality Is About You
APR 2009 8 2,057 6,846 There are no Magic Beans for Data Quality
MAY 2009 5 2,048 5,084 The Nine Circles of Data Quality Hell
JUN 2009 5 2,105 4,785 Not So Strange Case of Dr. Technology and Mr. Business
JUL 2009 8 2,460 6,083 The Very True Fear of False Positives
AUG 2009 11 2,637 6,146 Hyperactive Data Quality (Second Edition)
SEP 2009 9 2,027 3,778 DQ-Tip: “Data quality is primarily about context not accuracy...”
OCT 2009 11 2,645 5,971 Days Without A Data Quality Issue
NOV 2009 9 2,227 4,177 Beyond a “Single Version of the Truth”
DEC 2009 13 1,698 3,779 Adventures in Data Profiling (Part 8)








Unique Visitors

Page Views

Most Popular Blog Post

JAN 2010 14 2,323 4,807 The Dumb and Dumber Guide to Data Quality
FEB 2010 12 2,988 6,296 The Wisdom of the Social Media Crowd
MAR 2010 14 3,548 6,869 The Circle of Quality
APR 2010 15 4,727 8,774 Data, data everywhere, but where is data quality?
MAY 2010 13 2,989 5,418 What going to the dentist taught me about data quality
JUN 2010 15 3,420 6,735 Jack Bauer and Enforcing Data Governance Policies
JUL 2010 13 3,410 8,600 Is your data complete and accurate, but useless to your business?
AUG 2010 17 4,047 8,195 The Real Data Value is Business Insight








Unique Visitors

Page Views







* Since this is the third one published in September 2010, it is officially the 200th OCDQ Blog post!


Some of my favorites

In addition to the most popular OCDQ Blog posts listed above by month, the following are some of my personal favorites:

  • The Three Musketeers of Data Quality — Although people, process, and technology are all necessary for data quality success, people are the most important of all.  So, who exactly are some of the most important people on your data quality project?
  • Fantasy League Data Quality — This blog post attempted to explain best practices in action for master data management, data warehousing, business intelligence, and data quality using . . . fantasy league baseball and football.
  • Blog-Bout: “Risk” versus “Monopoly” — A “blog-bout” is a good-natured debate between two bloggers.  Phil Simon and I debated which board game is the better metaphor for an Information Technology (IT) project: “Risk” or “Monopoly.”
  • Collablogaunity — Mashing together the words collaboration, blog, and community, I created the term collablogaunity (which is pronounced “Call a Blog a Unity”) to explain some recommended blogging best practices.
  • Do you enjoy writing? — A literally handwritten blog post about the art of painting with letters and words—aka writing.
  • MacGyver: Data Governance and Duct Tape — This allegedly Emmy Award nominated blog post explains data stewardship, data quality, data cleansing, defect prevention, and data governance—all with help from both MacGyver and Jill Dyché.
  • The Importance of Envelopes — No, this was not a blog post about postal address data quality.  Instead, I used envelopes as a metaphor for effective communication, explaining that the way we deliver our message is as important as our message.
  • Dilbert, Data Quality, Rabbits, and #FollowFriday — This blog post revealed a truth that all data quality experts know well: All data quality issues are caused by rabbits—either a cartoon rabbit named Roger, or an invisible rabbit named Harvey.
  • Finding Data Quality — With lots of help from the movie Finding Nemo, this blog post explains that although it is often discussed only in relation to other enterprise information initiatives, eventually you’ll be finding data quality everywhere.


Find your favorites

Find your favorites by browsing OCDQ Blog content using the following links:

  • Best of OCDQ — Periodically updated listings, organized by topic, of the best OCDQ Blog posts of all time


Thank You

So far, OCDQ Blog has received over 900 comments, which is an average of 50 comments per month, and 5 comments per post. 

Although a fair percentage of the total number of comments are my responses, Commendable Comments is my ongoing series (next entry coming later this month) that celebrates the truly commendable comments that I regularly receive from my readers.

Thank you very much to everyone who reads OCDQ Blog.  Whether you comment or not, your readership is deeply appreciated.

The Tooth Fairy of Data Quality

Tooth Fairy

The 2010 movie Tooth Fairy was a box office bust—and deservedly so for obvious reasons.  The studio executives couldn’t handle the tooth, er I mean, the truth, which is before Jim Piddock stole, modified, and sold my idea, the original plot centered around Dwayne “The DQ Expert” Johnson, who is a dentist by day, but at night becomes a crime fighter battling poor data quality, who is known only as The Tooth Fairy of Data Quality.

Okay, so obviously the real truth that’s all too easy to handle is that nobody really stole my idea for a movie about a data quality crime fighter who uses the tag line: “Can you smell the bad data The DQ Expert is cleansing?”

However, some of the organizations that I discuss data quality with seem like they really do believe in The Tooth Fairy of Data Quality

No, they don’t literally put their poor quality data under their pillow at night, going to sleep believing when they wake up the next morning that they will magically have high quality data—or at least get $1 for every bad data record.

But they do often act as if they believe that simply loading all of their existing data into a shiny new system, like say an enterprise data warehouse (EDW) or a master data management (MDM) hub, will magically resolve all of their enterprise-wide data issues, resulting in brightly smiling, happy business users.


Data Quality Fairy Tales

Please post a comment below and share your experiences dealing with this or any other fairy tales about data quality that you have encountered.  Perhaps we could even collectively create a new literary or movie genre for Data Quality Fairy Tales.


Anatomy of an OCDQ Blog Post

Since I am often asked by my readers where I get the wacky ideas for some of my data quality blog posts, I thought I would share the Twitter-aided thought process that lead—really quite inevitably—to the writing of this particular blog post:

Therefore, special thanks to Robert Karel of Forrester Research and Steve Sarsfield of Talend for “inspiring” this blog post.


Related Posts

Finding Data Quality

The Quest for the Golden Copy

Oh, the Data You’ll Show!

My Own Private Data

The Tell-Tale Data

Data Quality is People!

There are no Magic Beans for Data Quality

Dilbert, Data Quality, Rabbits, and #FollowFriday

For truly comic relief, there is perhaps no better resource than Scott Adams and the Dilbert comic strip

Special thanks to Jill Wanless (aka @sheezaredhead) for tweeting this recent Dilbert comic strip, which perfectly complements one of the central themes of this blog post.


Data Quality: A Tail of Two Rabbits

Since this recent tweet of mine understandably caused a little bit of confusion in the Twitterverse, let me attempt to explain. 

In my recent blog post Who Framed Data Entry?, I investigated that triangle of trouble otherwise known as data, data entry, and data quality, where I explained that although high quality data can be a very powerful thing, since it’s a corporate asset that serves as a solid foundation for business success, sometimes in life, when making a critical business decision, what appears to be bad data is the only data we have—and one of the most commonly cited root causes of bad data is the data entered by people.

However, as my good friend Phil Simon facetiously commented, “there’s no such thing as a people-related data quality issue.”

And, as always, Phil is right.  All data quality issues are caused—not by people—but instead, by one of the following two rabbits:

Roger Rabbit
Roger Rabbit

Harvey Rabbit
Harvey Rabbit

Roger is the data quality trickster with the overactive sense of humor, which can easily handcuff a data quality initiative because he’s always joking around, always talking or tweeting or blogging or surfing the web.  Roger seems like he’s always distracted.  He never seems focused on what he’s supposed to be doing.  He never seems to take anything about data quality seriously at all. 

Well, I guess th-th-th-that’s all to be expected folks—after all, Roger is a cartoon rabbit, and you know how looney ‘toons can be.

As for Harvey, well, he’s a rabbit of few words, but he takes data quality seriously—he’s a bit of a perfectionist about it, actually.  Harvey is also a giant invisible rabbit who is six feet tall—well, six feet, three and a half inches tall, to be complete and accurate.

Harvey and I sit in bars . . . have a drink or two . . . play the jukebox.  And soon, all the other so-called data quality practitioners turn toward us and smile.  And they’re saying, “We don’t know anything about your data, mister, but you’re a very nice fella.” 

Harvey and I warm ourselves in these golden moments.  We’ve entered a bar as lonely strangers without any friends . . . but then we have new friends . . . and they sit with us . . . and they drink with us . . . and they talk to us about their data quality problems. 

They tell us about big terrible things they’ve done to data and big wonderful things they’ll do with their new data quality tools. 

They tell us all about their data hopes and their data regrets, and they tell us all about their golden copies and their data defects.  All very large, because nobody ever brings anything small into a data quality discussion at a bar.  And then I introduce them to Harvey . . . and he’s bigger and grander than anything that anybody’s data quality tool has ever done for me or my data.

And when they leave . . . they leave impressed.  Now, it’s true . . . yes, it’s true that the same people seldom come back, but that’s just data quality envy . . . there’s a little bit of data quality envy in even the very best of us so-called data quality practitioners.

Well, thank you Harvey!  I always enjoy your company too. 

But, you know Harvey, maybe Roger has a point after all.  Maybe the most important thing is to always maintain our sense of humor about data quality.  Like Roger always says—yes, Harvey, Roger always says because Roger never shuts up—Roger says:

“A laugh can be a very powerful thing.  Why, sometimes in life, it’s the only weapon we have.”

Really great non-rabbits to follow on Twitter

Since this blog post was published on a Friday, which for Twitter users like me means it’s FollowFriday, I would like to conclude by providing a brief list of some really great non-rabbits to follow on Twitter.

(Please Note: This is by no means a comprehensive list, is listed in no particular order whatsoever, and no offense is intended to any of my tweeps not listed below.  I hope that everyone has a great #FollowFriday and an even greater weekend.)


Related Posts

Comic Relief: Dilbert on Project Management

Comic Relief: Dilbert to the Rescue

Who Framed Data Entry?

A Tale of Two Q’s

Twitter, Meaningful Conversations, and #FollowFriday

The Fellowship of #FollowFriday

Video: Twitter #FollowFriday – January 15, 2010

Social Karma (Part 7)

The Great Rift

I recently read a great article about social collaboration in the enterprise by Julie Hunt, which includes the excellent insight:

“Most enterprises have failed to engender a ‘collaboration culture’ based on real human interaction.  The executive management of many companies does not even understand what a ‘collaboration culture’ is.  Frankly, executive management of many companies is hard put to authentically value employees—these companies want to de-humanize employees with such terms as ‘resources’ and ‘human capital’, and think that it is enough if they sling around a few ‘mission statements’ claiming that they ‘value’ employees.”

Even though the article was specifically discussing the reason why companies struggle to effectively use social media in business, it reminded me of the reason that many enterprise initiatives struggle—if not fail—to live up to their rather lofty expectations.

The most common root cause for the failure of enterprise initiatives is what I like to refer to as The Great Rift.


The Great Rift

In astronomy, the Great Rift—also known as the Dark Rift—is a series of overlapping and non-luminous molecular dust clouds, which appear to create a dark divide in the otherwise bright band of stars and other luminous objects comprising our Milky Way.

Within the intergalactic empires of the business world, The Great Rift is a metaphor for the dark divide separating how most of these organizations would list and prioritize their corporate assets:

Please note that a list of things is on the left side of The Great Rift and on the right side is a list of people. 

Although the order of importance given to the items within each of these lists is debatable, I would argue what is not debatable is that the list of things is what most organizations prioritize as their most important corporate assets.

It is precisely this prioritization of the value of things over the value of people that creates and sustains The Great Rift.

Of course, the message delivered by corporate mission statements, employee rallies, and customer conferences would lead you to believe the exact opposite is true—and in fairness, some organizations do prioritize the value of people over the value of things.

However, the harsh reality of the business world is that the message “we value our people” is often only a Machiavellian illusion.

I believe that as long as The Great Rift exists, then no enterprise initiative can be successful—or remain successful for very long. 

The enterprise-wide communication and collaboration that is so critical to achieving and sustaining success on initiatives such as Master Data Management (MDM) and Data Governance, can definitely not escape the effects of The Great Rift. 

Eventually, The Great Rift becomes the enterprise equivalent of a black hole, where not even the light shining from your very brightest stars will be able to escape its gravitational pull.

“Returning to the human side of business won’t happen magically,” Julie Hunt concluded her article.  “It will take real work and real commitment, from the executive level through all levels of management and employee departments.”

I wholeheartedly agree with Julie and will therefore conclude this blog post by paraphrasing the lyrics from “Yellow” by Coldplay into a song I am simply calling “People” because repairing The Great Rift and “returning to the human side of business” can only be accomplished by acknowledging that every organization’s truly most important corporate asset is—their people.

Rumors have it that the The Rolling Forecasts might even add the song to their playlist for the Data Rock Star World Tour 2010.



Look at your people
Look how they shine for you
And in everything they do
Yeah, they’re all stars

They came along 
They wrote a song for you
About all the Things they do
And it was called People

So they each took their turn 
And sung about all the things they’ve done
And it was all for you

Your business
Oh yeah, your technology and your data too
They turned it all into something beautiful
Did you know they did it for you?
They did it all for you

Now what are you going to do for them?

They crossed The Great Rift
They jumped across for you 
Because all the things you do
Are all done by your people

Look at your stars
Look how they shine
And in everything they do
Look how they shine for you

They crossed the line
The imaginary line drawn by you
Oh what a wonderful thing to do
And it was all for you

Your business
Oh yeah, your technology and your data too
They turned it all into something beautiful
Did you know they did it for you?
They did it all for you

Now what are you going to do for them?

Look at your people, they’re your stars, it’s true
Look how they shine
And in everything they do
Look how they shine for you

Look at your people
Look at your stars
Look how they shine
And in everything they do
Look how they shine for you

Now what are you going to do for them?

Twitter, Meaningful Conversations, and #FollowFriday

In social media, one of the most common features of social networking services is allowing users to share brief status updates.  Twitter is currently built on only this feature and uses status updates (referred to as tweets) that are limited to a maximum of 140 characters, which creates a rather pithy platform that many people argue is incompatible with meaningful communication.

Although I use Twitter for a variety of reasons, one of them is sharing quotes that I find thought-provoking.  For example:


This George Santayana quote was shared by James Geary, whom I follow on Twitter because he uses his account to provide the “recommended daily dose of aphorisms.”  My re-tweet (i.e., “forwarding” of another user’s status update) triggered the following meaningful conversation with Augusto Albeghi, the founder of StraySoft who is known as @Stray__Cat on Twitter:


Now of course, I realize that what exactly constitutes a “meaningful conversation” is debatable regardless of the format.

Therefore, let me first provide my definition, which is comprised of the following three simple requirements:

  1. At least two people discussing a topic, which is of interest to all parties involved
  2. Allowing all parties involved to have an equal chance to speak (or otherwise share their thoughts)
  3. Attentively listening to the current speaker—as opposed to merely waiting for your turn to speak

Next, let’s examine why Twitter’s format can be somewhat advantageous to satisfying these requirements:

  1. Although many (if not most) tweets are not necessarily attempting to start a conversation, at the very least they do provide a possible topic for any interested parties
  2. Everyone involved has an equal chance to speak, but time lags and multiple simultaneous speakers can occur, which in all fairness can happen in any other format
  3. Tweets provide somewhat of a running transcript (again, time lags can occur) for the conversation, making it easier to “listen” to the other speaker (or speakers)

Now, let’s address the most common objection to Twitter being used as a conversation medium:

“How can you have a meaningful conversation when constrained to only 140 characters at a time?”

I admit to being a long-winded talker or, as a favorite (canceled) television show would say, “conversationally anal-retentive.”  In the past (slightly less now), I was also known for e-mail messages even Leo Tolstoy would declare to be far too long.

However, I wholeheartedly agree with Jennifer Blanchard, who explained how Twitter makes you a better writer.  When forced to be concise, you have to focus on exactly what you want to say, using as few words as possible.

I call this reduction of your message to its bare essence—the power of pith.  In order to engage in truly meaning conversations, this is a required skill we all must master, and not just for tweeting—but Twitter does provide a great practice environment.


At least that’s my 140 characters worth on this common debate—well okay, it’s more like my 5,000 characters worth.


Great folks to follow on Twitter

Since this blog post was published on a Friday, which for Twitter users like me means it’s FollowFriday, I would like to conclude by providing a brief list of some great folks to follow on Twitter. 

Although by no means a comprehensive list, and listed in no particular order whatsoever, here are some great tweeps, and especially if you are interested in Data Quality, Data Governance, Master Data Management, and Business Intelligence:


PLEASE NOTE: No offense is intended to any of my tweeps not listed above.  However, if you feel that I have made a glaring omission of an obviously Twitterific Tweep, then please feel free to post a comment below and add them to the list.  Thanks!

I hope that everyone has a great FollowFriday and an even greater weekend.  See you all around the Twittersphere.


Related Posts

Wordless Wednesday: June 16, 2010

Data Rock Stars: The Rolling Forecasts

The Fellowship of #FollowFriday

Social Karma (Part 7)

The Wisdom of the Social Media Crowd

The Twitter Clockwork is NOT Orange

Video: Twitter #FollowFriday – January 15, 2010

Video: Twitter Search Tutorial

Live-Tweeting: Data Governance

Brevity is the Soul of Social Media

If you tweet away, I will follow

Tweet 2001: A Social Media Odyssey

Metaphorically Blogging

Photo via Flickr (Creative Commons License) by: macwagen

I have always wanted to see my name in lights.  However, this photo (of the Harris Theater on Liberty Avenue in downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) is probably the closest that I will ever come to such a luminous achievement. 

In this blog post, I will simply shine the bright stage lights upon the reasoning behind my somewhat theatrical blogging style.


Metaphorically Blogging

Regular readers know (and perhaps all too well) that I have a proclivity for using metaphors in my blogging. 

Most often, I employ conceptual metaphors in an attempt to explain data quality (and its related disciplines) by providing context about a key concept I am trying to convey by casting it within a situation that (hopefully) my readers can more easily relate to, and (hopefully) later be able to use the conceptual metaphor to draw meaningful parallels to their own experiences.

Sometimes I weave metaphors into the very tapestry of the fine written-woven fabric that is my blogging style (such as with that admittedly terrible example).  Other times, the metaphor provides the conceptual framework for a blog post.  Some of my many examples of this technique include equating data quality with going to the dentist, having a bad cold, or fantasy league baseball.

However, by far my most challenging metaphors—not only for me to write, but also for my readers to understand—is when I blog either a story or a song (well, technically lyrics since—and believe me, you should be very thankful for this—I don’t sing).

Both my story posts and my song posts (please see below for links) are actually allegories since they are extended metaphors where I usually don’t include any supporting commentary, thereby hoping that they illustrate their point without explanation.

Even before the evolution of written language, storytelling played an integral role in every human culture.  Listening to stories and retelling them to others continues to be the predominant means of expressing our emotions and ideas—even if nowadays we get most of our stories from television, movies, or the Internet, and less from reading books or having in-person conversations.

And, of course, both before and after the evolution of written language, music played a vital role in the human experience, and without doubt will continue to provide us with additional stories through instrumental, lyrical, and theatrical performances.

I also believe that one of the best aspects of the present social media revolution is that it’s reinvigorating the story culture of our evolutionary past, providing us with more immediate and expanded access to our collective knowledge, experience, and wisdom.


Metaphorically Speaking

Last summer, metaphor maven James Geary recorded the following fantastic TED Talk video, during which he explains how we all use metaphors to compare what we know, to what we don’t know, and he quotes the sage wisdom of Albert Einstein:

“Combinatory play seems to be the essential feature in productive thought.”


If you are having trouble viewing this video, then you can watch it on TED by clicking on this link: Metaphorically Speaking



Whether you blog or not, you use metaphors, stories, and sometimes songs, to help you make sense of the world around you. 

The very act of thinking is a form of storytelling.  Your brain tries to compare what you already know, or more precisely, what you think you already know, with the new information you are constantly receiving.  Especially nowadays when the very air you breath is literally teeming with digital data streams, you are being continually inundated with new information.

Your brain’s combinatory play experiments with bridging your neural pathways with different metaphors, until eventually it finds the right metaphor and your cognitive dissonance falls away in a flash of insight that brings a new depth of understanding and helps you discover a new way to rule the world—metaphorically speaking of course.


Related (Story) Posts

Video: Oh, the Data You’ll Show!

Data Quality and #FollowFriday the 13th

Spartan Data Quality

Pirates of the Computer: The Curse of the Poor Data Quality

The Quest for the Golden Copy

The Game of Darts – An Allegory

My Own Private Data

‘Twas Two Weeks Before Christmas

The Tell-Tale Data

Data Quality is People!


Related (Song) Posts

Data Love Song Mashup

I’m Bringing DQ Sexy Back

Council Data Governance

I’m Gonna Data Profile (500 Records)

A Record Named Duplicate

You Can’t Always Get the Data You Want

Data Quality is such a Rush

Imagining the Future of Data Quality

The Very Model of a Modern DQ General

New Time Human Business


Related (Blogging) Posts

Social Karma (Part 4)

The Mullet Blogging Manifesto


Brevity is the Soul of Social Media

The Two U’s and the Three C’s

Quality is more important than Quantity

Listening and Broadcasting

Please don’t become a Zombie

The Challenging Gift of Social Media

The Wisdom of the Social Media Crowd

Recently Read: May 15, 2010

Recently Read is an OCDQ regular segment.  Each entry provides links to blog posts, articles, books, and other material I found interesting enough to share.  Please note “recently read” is literal – therefore what I share wasn't necessarily recently published.


Data Quality

For simplicity, “Data Quality” also includes Data Governance, Master Data Management, and Business Intelligence.

  • Something happened on the way to better data quality – Rich Murnane discusses facing the challenging reality that around 80% of data quality “issues” at his organization were not “technology” problems, but instead “social” (i.e., human) issues.


  • Data Profiling with SQL is Hazardous to Your Company’s Health – Stephen Putman explains that implementing a robust data profiling system is an essential part of an effective data management environment.


  • How to deliver a Single Customer View – Ken O’Connor previews his e-book (available via Data Quality Pro free download)  on how to cost effectively deliver a Single Customer View that satisfies the UK Financial Services Authority requirements.  The process steps in the e-book would also be more generally applicable to anyone planning a major data migration project.


  • Nerd Appeal or Boardroom Fare? – Marty Moseley explains data quality professionals generally do a very poor job in relaying the business value of data quality, and therefore we must strive to define meaningful, business relevant metrics.


  • Blind Vendor Allegiance Trumps Utility – Evan Levy examines the bizarrely common phenomenon of selecting a vendor without gathering requirements, reviewing product features, and then determining the best fit for your specific needs.


  • When Data Governance Turns Bureaucratic – Dan Power describes what he calls “reactive data governance” and how it can prevent organizations from realizing the full value of MDM.


  • Data Quality: The Movie – Henrik Liliendahl Sørensen explains although you can learn data quality from courses, books, and articles, it’s a bit like watching a movie and then realizing that the real world isn’t exactly the same as the movie’s world.


  • Why you should data profile – James Standen explains that initial data profiling provides crucial insight necessary for accurate estimates of the effort required on your business intelligence or data migration project.


  • How are you Executing your Data Quality Strategy? – Phil Wright examines the high level characteristics of three different approaches to executing your data quality strategy—by power, by process, and by promise.


  • Who’ll stop the rain – Frank Harland approaches the pervasive challenge of Business-IT alignment and collaboration from a new angle—by using data to form a divine triangle of Business, IT, and Data.


  • “Dirty Harry” was right, “You've got to know your limitations” – Jim Whyte explains that MDM requires a deployment strategy that chunks up organizational and business process changes into small, manageable initiatives.


  • Have you built your DQ trust today? – Thorsten Radde explains that a “blame and shame” approach, although somewhat cathartic, is not an effective tool for improving an organization’s data quality.


  • The Data Accident Investigation Board – Julian Schwarzenbach outlines a “no blame” approach that would result in more data quality issues being reported, as well as leading to the true root causes of those problems being identified.


  • I have a dream – Graham Rhind shares his dream of a revolution in data management, where the focus is on prevention of data quality problems, rather than on trying to resolve them only after their detrimental effect becomes obvious.


  • My Data Governance Hero: A True Story – Amar Ramakrishnan shares a great story about encountering an unexpected hero who demonstrated an understanding of data governance and MDM challenges without using “industry speak.”


  • Attributes of a Data Rock Star – Jill Wanless provides a great summary of the attributes of a “data rock star” based on an excellent online magazine article recently written by Elizabeth Glagowski.


  • Three Conversations to Have with an Executive - the Only Three – Steve Sarsfield discusses how “data champions” must be prepared to talk about the value they bring to the organization in terms that will resonate with executives.


  • Demarcating The Lines In Master Data Governance Turf Battles – Judy Ko explains a common challenge, namely how different groups within an organization often argue about master data—what it is, how it is defined, and who “owns” it.


  • Data profiling: Are you closing the loop? – Dylan Jones explains how only using data profiling results to drive data cleansing efforts is missing the other part of the equation, namely also capturing and implementing defect prevention rules.


  • Data Management Best Practices for Today's Businesses – Tony Fisher uses the Three R's of enterprise data management (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) to explain how data is the one asset that every company has, but not every company exploits.


Social Media

For simplicity, “Social Media” also includes Blogging, Writing, Social Networking, and Online Marketing.

  • Blogging: The Good, the Bad, and the Really, Really Bad – Brenda Somich provides a brief blog post succinctly conveying a few key points and providing some useful general advice regarding the art of effective blogging.


  • The need for social media training is larger than ever – John Moore recaps a recent talk about extending thought leadership positions via social media, especially by leveraging it for professional networking—and while you are still happily employed.


  • Information as Theater – The Power of Humanized Description – Jay Baer relates the story of Randy Lauson, the best flight attendant that he has ever seen, as a great story about how information isn’t boring by accident—you make it that way.


  • New Adventures in Wi-Fi – Track 2: Twitter – Peter Thomas applies his very comprehensive but not overwhelming blogging style to the subject of Twitter, and thereby provides us with an excellent overview of my favorite social networking service.


  • The 4 Es of Social Media Strategy – Jill Dyché explains that although over time your social media strategy can incorporate each of the 4 Es (Expose, Engage, Entertain, Educate), a single prevailing need will likely drive your initial efforts.


  • What Role For The CMO In Social? – Mary Beth Kemp examines the possible roles that a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), and the marketing department, could play in an organization’s social media strategy.  Includes a very useful diagram.


  • Is Social Media a Fad? – On Day 6 of her 28 day blogging challenge, Tamara Dull shared a great video about social media, which includes some very compelling statistics provided by the Erik Qaulman book Socialnomics.


  • Social Media Resistance: Déjà Vu All Over Again – Phil Simon compares the current resistance to social media adoption shown by many organizations, with their similar reluctance in the 1990s regarding the creation of a corporate website.


  • Can you have a social system without a community or a collective? – Mark McDonald explains that not only can you have a social system without a community, approaching social media from this perceptive expands its true potential.


  • Social Media and BI – Kelly Pennock explains that the newest frontier for data collection is the vast universe of social media, which you need to incorporate into your company’s overall business intelligence strategy.


Related Posts

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Recently Read Resources

Data Quality via My Google Reader

Blogs about Data Quality, Data Governance, Master Data Management, and Business Intelligence

Books about Data Quality, Data Governance, Master Data Management, and Business Intelligence

Social Media via My Google Reader

Blogs and Websites about Social Media, Social Networking, and Online Marketing

Books about Social Media, Blogging, Social Networking, and Online Marketing

Data Rock Stars: The Rolling Forecasts

Data Rock Stars

As is often the case with these sorts of things, it all started with a tweet, based on an online magazine article about rock stars.

The tweet (shown above) was sent by Jill Dyché in regards to the article Are You a Data Rock Star? by Elizabeth Glagowski.


The Rolling Forecasts

The Rolling Forecasts

After the original tweet went viral, our group had very little choice other than to get the band back together and prepare for our Data Rock Star World Tour 2010.  Jean-Michel Franco named us The Rolling Forecasts.  You can follow us on Twitter:

jilldycheJill Dyché – @JillDyche

 1to1MediaEditor Elizabeth Glagowski – @1to1MediaEditor

jmichel_franco Jean-Michel Franco – @jmichel_franco googlea Giedre Aleknonyte – @googlea
mcristia Michael W Cristiani – @mcristia philsimon Phil Simon – @PhilSimon
sheezaredhead Jill Wanless – @sheezaredhead

ocdqblogJim Harris – @ocdqblog


We are currently working through some “creative differences” while recording our latest studio album, which is scheduled to drop sometime this summer.  For now, please enjoy the following lyrics from one of our greatest hits of all time.  Rock On!


You Can’t Always Get the Data You Want *

I saw her looking for business direction
A document of requirements in her hand
I knew she would find a database connection
And search for the business value they demand

No, you can’t always get the data you want
You can’t always get the data you want
You can’t always get the data you want
But if you try sometimes, you might find
You get the insight you need

I saw her struggle with data’s imperfection
When at the cursor she declared her command
I knew she questioned her SQL selection
Because the result set wasn’t what she planned

You can’t always get the data you want
You can’t always get the data you want
You can’t always get the data you want
But if you try sometimes, well you might find
You get the insight you need

Oh yeah, hey hey hey, oh...

And I went down to the vendor’s product demonstration
To listen to the salesman’s fair share of lies and abuse
Singing: “Now we’re gonna vent our customer frustration
Because we are sick of hearing your sorry ass excuse”
Sing it to me now...

You can’t always get the data you want
You can’t always get the data you want
You can’t always get the data you want
But if you try sometimes, well you just might find
You get the insight you need
Oh baby, yeah, yeah!

I went down to the operational datastore
To get your source data request fulfilled
I was standing in the cubicle of DBA Jimmy
And man, did his data look pretty ill

We decided that we should talk about data quality
Master data management and data governance too
I sung my song to DBA Jimmy
Yeah, and he said one word to me, and that was “Screw!”
I said to him

You can’t always get the data you want, no!
You can’t always get the data you want, I’m telling ya baby
You can’t always get the data you want, oh no
But if you try sometimes, you just might find
You get the insight you need
Oh yes!  Woo!

You get the business insight you need
Yeah baby!
Oh, yeah!

I saw her today at the executive presentation
She knew telling the truth would not win her any fans
But she was tired of practicing the art of deception
And I could tell she finally understands
Sing it!

You can’t always get the data you want
You can’t always get the data you want
You can’t always get the data you want
But if you try sometimes, you just might find
Oh, you just might find
You get the insight you need

Oh, yeah!
Oh, baby!

Ah, you can’t always get the data you want
No, no baby

You can’t always get the data you want
Telling you right now

You can’t always get the data you want, oh no!
But if you try sometimes, you just might find
You just might find, that yeah!
You get the business insight you need!
Oh, yeah!

I’m telling the truth about data...


* In 1969, The Rolling Stones released a similar song called “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” on their album Let It Bleed.

Commendable Comments (Part 6)

Last September, and on the exact day of the sixth mensiversary (yes, that’s a real word, look it up) of my blog, I started this series as an ongoing celebration of the truly commendable comments that I regularly receive from my heroes—my readers.


Commendable Comments

On The Circle of Quality, Kelly Lautt commented:

“One of the offerings I provide as a consultant is around data readiness specifically for BI.  Sometimes, you have to sneak an initial data quality project into a company tightly connected to a project or initiative with a clear, already accepted (and budgeted) ROI.  Once the client sees the value of data quality vis a vis the BI requirements, it is easier to then discuss overall data quality (from multiple perspectives).

And, I have to add, I do feel that massive, cumbersome enterprise DQ programs sometimes lose the plot by blindly ‘improving’ data without any value in sight.  I think there has to be a balance between ignoring generalized DQ versus going overboard when there will be a diminishing return at some point.

Always drive effort and investment in any area (including DQ) from expected business value!”

On The Poor Data Quality Jar, Daragh O Brien commented:

“We actually tried to implement something like this with regard to billing data quality issues that created compliance problems.  Our aim was to have the cost of fixing the problem borne by the business area which created the issue, with the ‘swear jar’ being the budget pool for remediation projects.

We ran into a few practical problems:

1) Many problems ultimately had multiple areas with responsibility (line-of-business workers bypassing processes, IT historically ‘right-sizing’ scope on projects, business processes and business requirements not necessarily being defined properly resulting in inevitable errors)

2) Politics often prevented us from pushing the evidence we did have too hard as to the weighting of contributions towards any issue.

3) More often than not it was not possible to get hard metrics on which to base a weighting of contribution, and people tended to object to being blamed for a problem that was obviously complex with multiple inputs.

That said, the attempt to do it did help us to:

1) Justify our ‘claims’ that these issues were often complex with multiple stakeholders involved.

2) Get stakeholders to think about the processes end-to-end, including the multiple IT systems that were involved in even the simplest process.

3) Ensure we had human resources assigned to projects because we had metrics to apply to a business case.

4) Start building a focus on prevention of defect rather than just error detection and fix.

We never got around to using electric shocks on anyone.  But I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a temptation.”

On The Poor Data Quality Jar, Julian Schwarzenbach commented:

“As data accuracy issues in some cases will be identified by front line staff, how likely are they going to be to report them?  Whilst the electric chair would be a tempting solution for certain data quality transgressions, would it mean that more data quality problems are reported?

This presents a similar issue to that in large companies when they look at their accident reporting statistics and reports of near misses/near hits:

* Does a high number of reported accidents and near hits mean that the company is unsafe, or does it mean that there are high levels of reporting coupled with a supportive, learning culture?

* Does a low number of reported accidents and near hits mean that the company is safe, or does it mean that staff are too scared of repercussions to report anything?

If staff risk a large fine/electric shock for owning up to transgressions, they will not do it and will work hard to hide the evidence, if they can.

In organizational/industrial situations, there are often multiple contributing factors to accidents and data quality problems.  To minimize the level of future problems, all contributory causes need to be identified and resolved.  To achieve this, staff should not be victimized/blamed in any way and should be encouraged to report issues without fear.”

On The Scarlet DQ, Henrik Liliendahl Sørensen commented:

“When I think about the root causes of many of the data quality issues I have witnessed, the original data entry was actually made in good faith by people trying to make data fit for the immediate purpose of use.  Honest, loyal, and hardworking employees striving to get the work done.

Who are the bad guys then?  Either it is no one or everyone or probably both.

When I have witnessed data quality problems solved it is most often done by a superhero taking the lead in finding solutions.  That superhero has been different kinds of people.  Sometimes it is a CEO, sometimes a CFO, sometimes a CRM-manager, sometimes it is anyone else.”

On The Scarlet DQ, Jacqueline Roberts commented:

“I work with engineering data and I find that the users of the data are not the creators of data, so by the time that data quality is questioned the engineering project has been completed, the engineering teams have been disbanded and moved on to other projects for other facilities. 

I am sure that if the engineers had to put the spare part components on purchasing contracts for plant maintenance, the engineers would start to understand some of the data quality issues such as incomplete part numbers or descriptions, missing information, etc.”

On The Scarlet DQ, Thorsten Radde commented:

“Is the question of ‘who is to blame’ really that important?

For me, it is more important to ask ‘what needs to be done to improve the situation.’

I don’t think that assigning blame helps much in improving the situation.  It is very rare that people cooperate to ‘cover up their mistakes.’  I found it more helpful to point out why the current situation is ‘wrong’ and then brainstorm with people on what can be done about it - which additional conventions are required, what can be checked automatically, if new functionality is needed, etc.

Of course, to be able to do that, youve got to have the right people on board that trust each other - and the blame game doesn’t help at all.  Maybe you need a ‘blame doll’ that everyone can beat in order to vent their frustrations and then move on to more constructive behavior?”

On Can Enterprise-Class Solutions Ever Deliver ROI?, James Standen commented:

“Fantastic question.  I think the short answer of course as always is ‘it depends’.

However, what’s important is exactly WHAT does it depend on.  And I think while the vendors of these solutions would like you to believe that it depends on the features and functionality of their various applications, that what it all depends on far more is the way they are installed, and to what degree the business actually uses them.

(Insert buzz words here like: ‘business process alignment’, ‘project ownership’, ‘Business/IT collaboration’)

But if you spend Gazillions on a new ERP, then customize it like crazy to ensure that none of your business processes have to change and none of your siloed departments have to talk to each other (which will cost another gazillion in development and consulting by the way), which will then ensure that ongoing maintenance and configuration is more expensive as well, and will eliminate any ability to use pre-built business intelligence solutions etc., etc.  Your ROI is going to be a big, negative number.

Unfortunately, this is often how it’s done.  So my first comment in this debate is - If enterprise systems enable real change and optimization in business processes, then they CAN have ROI.  But it’s hard. And doesn't happen often enough.”

On Microwavable Data Quality, Dylan Jones commented:

“Totally agree with you that data cleansing has been by far the most polarizing topic featured on our site since the launch.  Like you, I agree that data governance is a marathon not a sprint but I do object to a lot of the data cleansing bashing that goes on.

I think that sometimes we should give people who purchase cleansing software far more credit than many of the detractors would be willing to offer.  In the vast majority of cases data cleansing does provide a positive ROI and whilst some could argue it creates a cost base within the organization it is still a step in the direction of data quality maturity.

I think this particular debate is going to run and run however so thanks for fanning the flames.”

On The Challenging Gift of Social Media, Crysta Anderson commented:

“This is the biggest mindshift for a lot of people.  When we started Social Media, many wanted to build our program based only on the second circle - existing customers.  We had to fight hard to prove that the third circle not only existed (we had a hunch it did), but that it was worth our time to pursue.  Sure, we can't point to a direct sales ROI, but the value of building a ‘tribe’ that raises the conversation about data quality, MDM, data governance and other topics has been incredible and continues to grow.”

Thank You

Thank you all for your comments.  Your feedback is greatly appreciated—and truly is the best part of my blogging experience.

Since there have been so many commendable comments, please don’t be offended if one of your comments wasn’t featured. 

Please keep on commenting and stay tuned for future entries in the series.


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Commendable Comments (Part 4)

Commendable Comments (Part 3)

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Follow OCDQ

For more blog posts and commendable comments, subscribe to OCDQ via my RSS feed, my E-mail updates, or Google Reader.

You can also follow OCDQ on Twitter, fan the Facebook page for OCDQ, and connect with me on LinkedIn.

The Challenging Gift of Social Media

I recently finished reading (and also highly recommend) the excellent book Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? by Seth Godin. 

Although it’s not the subject of the book, in this blog post I’ll focus on one of its concepts that is very applicable to social media. 


The Circles of the Gift System

Godin uses the term “Gift Culture” to describe an emerging ethos facilitated by (but not limited to) the Internet and social media, which involves what he calls “The Circles of the Gift System” that I have attempted to represent in the above diagram.

In the first circle are your true real-world friends and family, the people that you would never interact with on the basis of trying to make money (i.e., the people you freely give “true gifts” while expecting nothing in return).

In the second circle are your customers and clients, the people that you conduct commerce with and who must pay you for your time, products, and services (i.e., the people and organizations you don’t give gifts because you need them to help pay your bills).

In the third circle is the social media and extended (nowadays mostly online) community, where following the freemium model, you give freely so that you can reach as many people as possible.  It is in the third circle that you assemble your tribe comprised of blog readers, Twitter followers, Facebook fans, and other “friendlies” — the term Godin uses for our social media connections.

It is the third circle that many (if not most) people struggle with and often either resist or ignore.  However, as Godin explains:

“This circle is new.  It’s huge and it’s important, because it enables you to enlarge the second circle and make more money, and because it enables you to affect more people and improve more lives.” 

However, dedicating the necessary time and effort to enlarge the third circle doesn’t guarantee you will enlarge the second circle, which risks turning freemium into simply free.  It is on this particular aspect that I will focus the remainder of my blog post.


The Intriguing Opportunity of Social Media

It is difficult to imagine a business topic generating more widespread discussion these days than social media.  That’s not to say that it is (or that it even should be) considered the most important topic.  However, almost every organization as well as most individual professionals have at the very least considered getting involved with social media in a business context.

The intriguing opportunity of social media is difficult to ignore—even after you ignore most of the hype (which is no easy task).

But as I wrote in the Social Karma series, if we are truly honest, then we all have to admit that we have the same question:

“What’s in this for me?”

Using social media effectively can definitely help promote you, your expertise, your company, and its products and services.  The primary reason I started blogging was to demonstrate my expertise and establish my authority with regards to data quality and its related disciplines.  As an independent consultant, I am trying to help sell my consulting, speaking, and writing services.


The Sobering Reality of Social Media

A social media strategy focused entirely on your own self-promotion will be easily detected by the online community, and could therefore easily result in doing far more harm than good.  Effectively using social media for business requires true participation, sustained engagement, and making meaningful contributions to the community’s goals—and not just your own.

The sobering reality of social media is that it’s not something you can simply do whenever it’s convenient for you.

Using social media effectively, more than anything else, requires a commitment that is mostly measured in time.  It requires a long-term investment in the community, and the truth is you must be patient because any returns on this investment will take a long time to materialize. 

If you are planning on a quick get in, get out, short-term marketing campaign requiring little effort, then don’t waste your time, but much more importantly, don’t waste the community’s time.


The Challenging Gift of Social Media

Godin opens his chapter on “The Powerful Culture of Gifts” by joking that he must have been absent the day they taught the power of unreciprocated gifts at Stanford business school. 

In fact, it’s probably a safe bet that the curriculum at most business schools conveniently ignores the fifty thousand year tradition of human tribal economies based on mutual support and generosity, when power used to be about giving, not getting.

Although we maintain some semblance of this tribal spirit in our personal lives with respect to the first circle, when it comes to our professional lives in the second circle, we want money for our time, product, or service—and we usually don’t come cheap.

Therefore, by far the most common question that I get asked (and that I often ask myself) about social media is:

“Is it really worth all that time and effort, especially when you aren’t getting paid for it?”

Although I honestly believe that it is, truthfully there have been many times when I have doubted it.  But those were usually times when I allowed myself to give in to the natural tendency we all have to become hyper-focused on our own goals. 

The paradox is that the best way to accomplish our selfish goals is—first and foremost—to focus on helping others. 

Of course, helping others doesn’t guarantee they’ll reciprocate, especially with financial returns on our social media investment.  Returning to Godin’s analogy, enlarging (or even just maintaining) the third circle doesn’t guarantee enlarging the second circle.

However, true service to the social media community requires giving true gifts to the third circle. 

Godin explains that these gifts—which do not demand reciprocation—turn the third circle into your tribe.  Giving gifts fulfills your tribal obligation.  Recipients pay it forward by also giving gifts—but perhaps to another tribal member—and not back to you.

And this is the challenging gift of social media—it is a gift that you may keep on giving without ever getting anything in return.


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The Fellowship of #FollowFriday

During the dawn of the Second Age of Digital-Earth, in the land of Twitter there was formed a group of like-minded tweeps who were well known for their wisdom about Data Quality, Data Governance, Master Data Management, and Business Intelligence.

They battled against the dark forces of poor data quality, undisciplined organizations, multiple conflicting versions of the truth, flawed business decisions, vast boiling oceans of unmanaged data assets, uncontrolled costs, and unmitigated compliance risks.

Collectively, these valiant heroes were known as: The Fellowship of FollowFriday.

Okay, so clearly I am a total dork—geek, nerd, and dweeb are also completely acceptable alternatives.

J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings three-volume book and Peter Jackson’s adapted movie trilogy were awe inspiring epics, and also the theme of this blog post about FollowFriday, the weekly tradition of recommending great folks to follow on Twitter.

Please note that simply for the purposes of organizing the following lists, I have made the United States the kingdom of Gondor, Canada the kingdom of Rohan, and all of Europe collectively The Shire.  No offense intended to my tweeps from other lands.

I hope that everyone has a great FollowFriday and an even greater weekend.  See you all around the Twittersphere.


Tweeps of Gondor


Tweeps of Rohan


Tweeps of The Shire


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Tweet 2001: A Social Media Odyssey