Recently Read: May 15, 2010
/Recently Read is an OCDQ regular segment. Each entry provides links to blog posts, articles, books, and other material I found interesting enough to share. Please note “recently read” is literal – therefore what I share wasn't necessarily recently published.
Data Quality
For simplicity, “Data Quality” also includes Data Governance, Master Data Management, and Business Intelligence.
- Something happened on the way to better data quality – Rich Murnane discusses facing the challenging reality that around 80% of data quality “issues” at his organization were not “technology” problems, but instead “social” (i.e., human) issues.
- Data Profiling with SQL is Hazardous to Your Company’s Health – Stephen Putman explains that implementing a robust data profiling system is an essential part of an effective data management environment.
- How to deliver a Single Customer View – Ken O’Connor previews his e-book (available via Data Quality Pro free download) on how to cost effectively deliver a Single Customer View that satisfies the UK Financial Services Authority requirements. The process steps in the e-book would also be more generally applicable to anyone planning a major data migration project.
- Nerd Appeal or Boardroom Fare? – Marty Moseley explains data quality professionals generally do a very poor job in relaying the business value of data quality, and therefore we must strive to define meaningful, business relevant metrics.
- Blind Vendor Allegiance Trumps Utility – Evan Levy examines the bizarrely common phenomenon of selecting a vendor without gathering requirements, reviewing product features, and then determining the best fit for your specific needs.
- When Data Governance Turns Bureaucratic – Dan Power describes what he calls “reactive data governance” and how it can prevent organizations from realizing the full value of MDM.
- Data Quality: The Movie – Henrik Liliendahl Sørensen explains although you can learn data quality from courses, books, and articles, it’s a bit like watching a movie and then realizing that the real world isn’t exactly the same as the movie’s world.
- Why you should data profile – James Standen explains that initial data profiling provides crucial insight necessary for accurate estimates of the effort required on your business intelligence or data migration project.
- How are you Executing your Data Quality Strategy? – Phil Wright examines the high level characteristics of three different approaches to executing your data quality strategy—by power, by process, and by promise.
- Who’ll stop the rain – Frank Harland approaches the pervasive challenge of Business-IT alignment and collaboration from a new angle—by using data to form a divine triangle of Business, IT, and Data.
- “Dirty Harry” was right, “You've got to know your limitations” – Jim Whyte explains that MDM requires a deployment strategy that chunks up organizational and business process changes into small, manageable initiatives.
- Have you built your DQ trust today? – Thorsten Radde explains that a “blame and shame” approach, although somewhat cathartic, is not an effective tool for improving an organization’s data quality.
- The Data Accident Investigation Board – Julian Schwarzenbach outlines a “no blame” approach that would result in more data quality issues being reported, as well as leading to the true root causes of those problems being identified.
- I have a dream – Graham Rhind shares his dream of a revolution in data management, where the focus is on prevention of data quality problems, rather than on trying to resolve them only after their detrimental effect becomes obvious.
- My Data Governance Hero: A True Story – Amar Ramakrishnan shares a great story about encountering an unexpected hero who demonstrated an understanding of data governance and MDM challenges without using “industry speak.”
- Attributes of a Data Rock Star – Jill Wanless provides a great summary of the attributes of a “data rock star” based on an excellent online magazine article recently written by Elizabeth Glagowski.
- Three Conversations to Have with an Executive - the Only Three – Steve Sarsfield discusses how “data champions” must be prepared to talk about the value they bring to the organization in terms that will resonate with executives.
- Demarcating The Lines In Master Data Governance Turf Battles – Judy Ko explains a common challenge, namely how different groups within an organization often argue about master data—what it is, how it is defined, and who “owns” it.
- Data profiling: Are you closing the loop? – Dylan Jones explains how only using data profiling results to drive data cleansing efforts is missing the other part of the equation, namely also capturing and implementing defect prevention rules.
- Data Management Best Practices for Today's Businesses – Tony Fisher uses the Three R's of enterprise data management (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) to explain how data is the one asset that every company has, but not every company exploits.
Social Media
For simplicity, “Social Media” also includes Blogging, Writing, Social Networking, and Online Marketing.
- Blogging: The Good, the Bad, and the Really, Really Bad – Brenda Somich provides a brief blog post succinctly conveying a few key points and providing some useful general advice regarding the art of effective blogging.
- The need for social media training is larger than ever – John Moore recaps a recent talk about extending thought leadership positions via social media, especially by leveraging it for professional networking—and while you are still happily employed.
- Information as Theater – The Power of Humanized Description – Jay Baer relates the story of Randy Lauson, the best flight attendant that he has ever seen, as a great story about how information isn’t boring by accident—you make it that way.
- New Adventures in Wi-Fi – Track 2: Twitter – Peter Thomas applies his very comprehensive but not overwhelming blogging style to the subject of Twitter, and thereby provides us with an excellent overview of my favorite social networking service.
- The 4 Es of Social Media Strategy – Jill Dyché explains that although over time your social media strategy can incorporate each of the 4 Es (Expose, Engage, Entertain, Educate), a single prevailing need will likely drive your initial efforts.
- What Role For The CMO In Social? – Mary Beth Kemp examines the possible roles that a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), and the marketing department, could play in an organization’s social media strategy. Includes a very useful diagram.
- Is Social Media a Fad? – On Day 6 of her 28 day blogging challenge, Tamara Dull shared a great video about social media, which includes some very compelling statistics provided by the Erik Qaulman book Socialnomics.
- Social Media Resistance: Déjà Vu All Over Again – Phil Simon compares the current resistance to social media adoption shown by many organizations, with their similar reluctance in the 1990s regarding the creation of a corporate website.
- Can you have a social system without a community or a collective? – Mark McDonald explains that not only can you have a social system without a community, approaching social media from this perceptive expands its true potential.
Social Media and BI – Kelly Pennock explains that the newest frontier for data collection is the vast universe of social media, which you need to incorporate into your company’s overall business intelligence strategy.
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Recently Read Resources
Data Quality via My Google Reader
Blogs about Data Quality, Data Governance, Master Data Management, and Business Intelligence
Books about Data Quality, Data Governance, Master Data Management, and Business Intelligence
Social Media via My Google Reader
Blogs and Websites about Social Media, Social Networking, and Online Marketing
Books about Social Media, Blogging, Social Networking, and Online Marketing