The Evolution of Enterprise Security
/This podcast episode is sponsored by the Enterprise CIO Forum and HP.
OCDQ Radio is a vendor-neutral podcast about data quality and its related disciplines, produced and hosted by Jim Harris.
During this episode, Bill Laberis and I discuss the necessary evolution of enterprise security in the era of cloud computing and mobile devices. Our discussion includes public, private, and hybrid clouds, leveraging existing security best practices, defining BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies, mobile device management, and striking a balance between convenience and security.
Bill Laberis is the Editorial Director of the Enterprise CIO Forum, in which capacity he oversees the content of both its US and international websites. He is also Editorial Director and Social Media Manager in the IDG Custom Solutions Group, working closely with clients to create highly individualized custom content programs that leverage the wide range of media capabilities, including print, online, multimedia, and custom events.
Bill Laberis was editor-in-chief of Computerworld from 1986-1996, has been a frequent speaker and keynoter, and has written for various business publications including The Wall Street Journal. He has been closely following the IT sector for 30 years.
This podcast episode is sponsored by the Enterprise CIO Forum and HP.
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