The Weakest Link in Enterprise Security
/This blog post is sponsored by the Enterprise CIO Forum and HP.
As a recent Techopedia article noted, one of the biggest challenges for IT security these days is finding a balance among three overarching principles: availability (i.e., that information is accessible when authorized users need it), confidentiality (i.e., that information is only being seen or used by people who are authorized to access it), and integrity (i.e., that any changes to information by an unauthorized user are impossible — or at least detected — and changes by authorized users are tracked).
Finding this balance has always been a complex challenge for enterprise security since the tighter you lock an IT system down, the harder it can become to use for daily business activities, which sometimes causes usability to be prioritized over security.
“I believe those who think security isn’t a general IT priority are wrong,” Rafal Los recently blogged in a post about the role of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). “Pushing the security agenda ahead of doing business seems to be something poor CISOs are known for, which creates a backlash of executive push-back against security in many organizations.”
According to Los, IT leaders need to balance the business enablement of IT with the need to keep information secure, which requires better understanding both business risks and IT threats, and allowing the organization to execute its business goals in a tactical fashion while simultaneously working out the long-term enterprise security strategy.
Although any security strategy is only as strong as its weakest link, the weakest link in enterprise security might not be where you’d expect to find it. A good example of this came from perhaps the biggest personal data security disaster story of the year, the epic hacking of Mat Honan, during which, as he described it, “in the space of one hour, my entire digital life was destroyed.”
The biggest lesson learned was not the lack of a good security strategy (though that obviously played a part, not only with Honan personally, but also with the vendors involved). Instead, the lesson was that the weakest link in any security strategy might be its recovery procedures — and that hackers don’t need to rely on Hollywood-style techno-wizardry to overcome security protocols.
Organizations are rightfully concerned about mobile devices containing sensitive data getting stolen — in fact, many make use of the feature provided by Apple that enables you to remotely delete data on your iPhone, iPad, and MacBook in the event of theft.
In Honan’s case, the hackers exploited this feature by accessing his Apple iCloud account (for the details of how that happened, read his blog post), wiping clean his not-stolen mobile devices, resetting his passwords, including for his email accounts, which prevented him from receiving any security warnings and password reset notifications, and bought the hackers the time needed to redirect everything — essentially all by doing what Honan would have done if his mobile devices had actually been stolen.
The hackers also deleted all of Honan’s data stored in the cloud, which was devastating since he had no off-line backups (yes, he admits that’s his fault). Before you’re tempted to use this as a cloud-bashing story, as Honan blogged in a follow-up post about how he resurrected his digital life, “when my data died, it was the cloud that killed it. The triggers hackers used to break into my accounts and delete my files were all cloud-based services — iCloud, Google, and Amazon. Some pundits have latched onto this detail to indict our era of cloud computing. Yet just as the cloud enabled my disaster, so too was it my salvation.”
Although most security strategies are focused on preventing a security breach from happening, as the Honan story exemplifies, the weakest link in your enterprise security could actually be the protocols enacted in the event of an apparent security breach.
This blog post is sponsored by the Enterprise CIO Forum and HP.
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