#FollowFriday Spotlight: @hlsdk
/FollowFriday Spotlight is an OCDQ regular segment highlighting someone you should follow—and not just Fridays on Twitter.
Henrik Liliendahl Sørensen is a data quality and master data management (MDM) professional with over 30 years of experience in the information technology (IT) business working within a large range of business areas, such as government, insurance, manufacturing, membership, healthcare, and public transportation.
For more details about what Henrik has been, and is, working on, check out his My Been Done List and 2011 To Do List.
Henrik is also a charter member of the IAIDQ, and the creator of the LinkedIn Group for Data Matching for people interested in data quality and thrilled by automated data matching, deduplication, and identity resolution.
Henrik is one of the most prolific and popular data quality bloggers, regularly sharing his excellent insights about data quality, data matching, MDM, data architecture, data governance, diversity in data quality, and many other data management topics.
So check out Liliendahl on Data Quality for great blog posts written by Henrik Liliendahl Sørensen, such as these popular posts:
- What is Data Quality anyway?
- 55 reasons to improve data quality
- Top 5 Reasons for Downstream Cleansing
- Bad word?: Data Owner
- The Myth about a Myth
- Returns from Investing in a Data Quality Tool
- The Next Level
- Data Quality from the Cloud
- Big Time ROI in Identity Resolution
- What is a best-in-class match engine?
- Create Table Homo_Sapiens
- What’s In a Given Name?
- What’s in an eMail Address?
- Perfect Wrong Answer
- Sharing data is key to a single version of the truth
- The Statue of Liberty versus The Little Mermaid
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