The following downloads are freely available from OCDQ – no registration required.
PLEASE NOTE: All material is Copyright © 2009-2021, Jim Harris. All rights reserved.
Buttered Cats, Lead Rulers, and Jigsaw Puzzles – Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf file) containing a data governance overview presentation, which reviews common definitions for data governance, examines top-down versus bottom-up approaches to data governance, how data stewards are the MacGyvers of data governance, how well-constructed data governance policies are like lead rulers, and how data governance frameworks are like jigsaw puzzles.
Decision-Driven Data Management – Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf file) containing a presentation about the variables that can disrupt data-driven decision making, how decision-driven data management enables better decisions with better data, and why closing the decision-data feedback loop is the most critical success factor in data-driven decision making.
Identifying Duplicate Customers – Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf file) containing a presentation based in part on content originally published as a five part series of articles on Data Quality Pro for dealing with the common data quality problem of identifying duplicate customers. Additional content included in the presentation was originally published in blog posts here on OCDQ. Presentation Notes are included as embedded comments.
Adventures in Data Profiling – Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf file) containing a presentation about the common functionality provided by data profiling tools.
Social Karma – Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf file) containing a presentation about the art of effectively using social media in business. Presentation Notes are included as embedded comments.
Declaration of Data Governance – Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf file) containing the presentation based on my DataFlux blog post Declaration of Data Governance.
Oh, the Data You’ll Show! – Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf file) containing the presentation inspired by the great Dr. Seuss book Oh, the Places You'll Go!
For podcast episodes of OCDQ Radio, click on this link:
Data Governance is Mission Possible – Podcast (.mp3 file) about some of the key concepts of data governance.
Declaration of Data Governance – Podcast (.mp3 file) based on my DataFlux blog post Declaration of Data Governance.
Oh, the Data You’ll Show! – Podcast (.mp3 file) inspired by the great Dr. Seuss book Oh, the Places You'll Go!
Business Technology and Human-Speak – Podcast (.mp3 file) about Business-IT collaboration and communication.
Stand-Up Data Quality – Podcast (.mp3 file) about using humor to enliven a niche blog topic (e.g., data quality).
Stand-Up Data Quality (Second Edition) – Podcast (.mp3 file) sharing some more of my data quality humor.
Open Your Ears – Podcast (.mp3 file) about the critical role that listening plays in effective communication.
Social Media Preparation – Podcast (.mp3 file) about how to properly prepare for getting involved with social media.
Your Blog, Your Voice – Podcast (.mp3 file) about the importance of blogging in your own voice.